
A Prayer For Personal Stability

“Father, thank You for the treasure chest of Your riches; salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.  The treasure trove which You invite us to partake of stabilizes our hearts when instability surrounds us.  Your salvation, wisdom and knowledge surpass those passing and temporal treasures experienced in this mortal life.  We walk by faith and not by sight, so keep us steadfast in our times as we hold to You our sure foundation, for there is no Rock like You, our God.  Keep our eyes on the invisible God, for though we cannot see You we love You and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, as we await our glorious union in heaven.  Amen.”


A Prayer For Servant Leaders

“Father, I’m reminded of the acronym, JOY, which serves as a prompting to put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourselves last. As we do so we find ourselves to be more like Christ who gives us fulfillment and joy as we serve others. We find the mysterious pleasure that comes with the Scriptural teaching, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” “Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” And once again we find ourselves acknowledging that Your ways are superior to the ways of humankind. Show us the many ways we can assist and serve others and help us also to joyfully receive from others when they serve us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For A Willing Heart

“Father, You’ve called us all to a life of obedience. This includes the command that we are to raise our families in such a way that they will come to know You and grow in godliness in accordance to their individual faith. We also have opportunity to influence others for Jesus as we follow the great commission in reaching out to those who don’t know Him, whether it’s our neighbor, co-worker, team member or the homeless living on the streets. We want to make a difference in our world, one person at a time, since You touch individual hearts for the kingdom one at a time. We want to faithfully do our part through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For Those In Times Of Trouble

“Father, we want to trust You at all times – in times of rejoicing and times of trouble.  You promise to be our refuge who will rescue us from danger. Certainly we don’t read anywhere in Scripture that we will not face danger, for it is in these intensely dangerous situations that we find refuge in the shadow of Your wings. Daily we witness Your rescue from dangerous situations on this side of eternity, but we also daily witness (by faith) Your rescue that takes place on the other side of eternity. We consider the children who perished during the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma as well as scores of believers who, through other circumstances, passed on from here to eternity. Everyone of them found You to be their refuge as You rescued them from the many dangers, toils and snares that will always be a part of this life. Comfort those who remain. Give strength, hope and a determined faith to those who must rebuild their lives in the wake of the Oklahoma tragedy. May our faith increase and our devotion deepen as we lean hard on You. Amen.”


A Prayer Of Gratitude

“Father, it is impossible for me to give sincere thanks to You unless I have a grateful heart. Open my eyes to see and verbalize the little blessings that come especially when I’m walking through dark clouds of difficulty.  My daily blessings, by far, outnumber my troubles. Good health, comfortable shelter, a loving family, steady work, caring friendships and many other blessings seem all too common so I often take them for granted. At times I even feel entitled to these blessings. It is when I’m deprived of a particular blessing that I choose to either grumble or suddenly recognize a blessing that I’ve overlooked. Father, I thank You for Your daily provisions.  Help me not to wait until trouble erupts before I look to You. Instead I want to be grateful for Your goodness toward me for past blessings and to remain confident that You will be just as faithful in providing for my future needs. And remind me to never take personal credit but realize that all good things are from You.  In Your name, Jesus, I thank You today!  Amen.”


A Prayer For The Christian Race

“Father, the spiritual journey may have its twists and turns, its potholes and inclines that obscure the finish line, but by faith I will stay the course because You give me power when I feel faint and strength when I am weak. Everlasting Father, Creator of the ends of the earth You do not grow weary or faint; Your understanding is vast beyond measure and Your might gives me strength when I grow weary and hope when I become discouraged helping me to rise as though I have wings as eagles. Help me to soar above my troubles and give flight to those worries that would otherwise weigh me down. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”


A Prayer For Spiritual Weeders

“Father, the pesty weeds in the garden are pervasive, persistent, and problematic to the gardener until pulled out by the root.  Weeds are like sin in our lives and in order for us to be productive and thriving in our Christian walk we must uproot the growing sins that seek to choke out the Word of God in our lives. Alert us to the weeds in their infancy stage lest they overtake the precious implanted truths of Your Holy Scripture and we begin to live for the worthless weed instead of the precious Bread of Life.  Keep us diligent, zealous, and hopeful as we nurture our daily lives with the spiritual tools of forgiveness, patience, forbearance, enduring love and so many other productive attitudes as written in the Scriptures.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.”


A Prayer Of Thanks For Christ’s Gift

“Father, forgive us when we seek after temporal solutions to meet the deep yearnings of our heart. Your eternal solution was to send Jesus, Your Son, to give us life – a life that is no longer empty or imprisoned by sin’s chains. Thank You for Jesus who came that we might have abundant life through His substitutionary death on our behalf. Nothing on earth and no person dear to our hearts deserves our allegiance more than our Savior. Thank You for coming; thank You for giving and thank You for saving us from our sin. Amen.”


A Prayer For Those Sowing In Tears

“Father, there have been many times that we acted in faith when it seemed futile in doing so. When we get our eyes on the  challenge it takes our eyes off of you, the One who heals the sick, raises the dead and casts mountains into the depths of the sea. Father, we choose to walk by faith and not by sight. Since all things are possible with You, we choose to believe in those things impossible with man. We do believe and choose to walk in faith until the invisible is made visible either here below or in the eternal heavens. It is in the name of Jesus that we come to You in prayer. Amen.”


A Prayer For Walking With God

“Father, because I love Your commands more than worldly pleasures or temporal possessions I despise the paths that lead me astray like a lost sheep. You have gone before me and cleared the way so that I might follow in Your steps and the steps of other righteous, godly saints.  I am comforted in knowing that I don’t walk alone, but I walk hand in hand with You as my Guide. Through eyes of faith I see a great cloud of witnesses, those spoken of in the Bible and those I’ve known in my lifetime, who’ve already finished the race cheering me on as I persevere on this path of righteousness. May I willingly endure hardship as it disciplines my commitment to walking in Your ways. I want to wholeheartedly seek You above everything else, for You are a Rewarder of those who diligently seek You. Amen.”