
A Prayer For Honoring Parents

“Father, Your perfect design for creating a family started with Adam and Eve.  You gave them tremendous responsibility as parents to raise their children to be responsible individuals who would in turn raise their children in the same way. And so your order continues to our own generation.  At the heart of our family relations the fifth commandment indicates that we’re to honor our father and mother which includes a promise that we’ll live long full lives. When we honor our parents, Lord, we also honor You and show appreciation for Your marvelous workmanship in our lives.  We acknowledge that You ordained the family of our origin and we give thanks to You for our mother and father, brothers and sisters.  Make us a blessing to them as the fruit of the spirit continues to grow in our lives and is played out in our relations to them.  We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”


A Prayer For Changed Lives

“Father, we’re reminded through the writings of the Apostle Paul that our lives are observed by those who see us day in and day out.  What wondrous change comes into our lives as we surrender our hearts to You.  And yet we must be on guard so that we do not allow worthless idols to win our affections; otherwise the light of Your Son Jesus will be diminished in our hearts and in our witness.  We will be no different from the darkened world in which You delivered us from.  No person or object is of greater worth than that of Your Holy Spirit Who resides in our hearts and prompts us to lift our eyes toward our heavenly redemption that is drawing closer every hour.  Thank You for saving us from the coming wrath when Your judgment is poured out on those who do not believe.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.”


A Prayer For A Heavenly Perspective

“Father, the story that Jesus shares about the rich man who took no thought for his life after death is a picture of so many who live only for the “here and now”. They gather treasures that have no eternal value and dismiss the treasures that lasts for all eternity; those which can never perish, spoil or fade kept in heaven for the believer who will later claim their treasure trove. May this Bible teaching bring comfort and peace of heart to those who suffer in this present life, much like Lazarus in the story Jesus told.  May they be reminded of the joyous life yet to come where there is no pain, sorrow, or alienation?  Help us to be faithful in warning others to prepare not just for this temporal life, but for all of eternity.  Amen.”


A Prayer For United States of America

“Father, we come to You to pray for our nation, the United States of America.

How You have blessed us through the years, Lord! We rightly sing, “America, America, God shed His grace on thee.” Yet we see trouble in our culture today. We see the breakdown of the family, crippling addictions, and random acts of horrific violence.

Lord, we need Your help in America. In recent days, we have done our best to remove Your Word and Your counsel from our courtrooms, classrooms and culture. It seems, as President Lincoln once said, that we have “forgotten God.” But Lord, You have not forgotten us! You can bless and help and revive our country again.

Scripture tells us that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Lord, in Your mercy, we ask that You would exalt our country again. We have had a number of great awakenings in America. We have experienced times of refreshing, and revivals that changed not only the spiritual but also the moral landscape. As the psalmist said, “Will You not revive us again, so that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:6)

That is our prayer for America today, Lord. Send a mighty spiritual awakening that will turn the hearts of men and women, boys and girls back to you. You have told us if we will humble ourselves and pray, and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, that You will forgive our sins and heal our land. (2 Chronicles7:14)

Forgive us today, Lord, and heal this troubled land that we love so much.

We ask all of this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”


A Prayer For Walking In The Spirit

“Father, Your Word assures us that if we are walking in the Spirit we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh but instead we will want to fulfill the desires that are in accordance with the Holy Spirit that resides within the believer’s heart. Help us to be at peace with others, as far as it is possible. There are those, who like the robin attacking its own image, who live in self-conflict. No matter how much we reach out or respond in love or forbearance toward them we still have conflict. Give us peace when we cannot improve the circumstances and a prayerful heart for endurance toward that which we cannot change. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For Brotherly Unity

“Father, we want to thank You for diversity in the body of Christ. There is so much incredible variety in personalities, giftings, ethnicity, and varied interests. As we dwell together in unity You help us to become like minded, having the same love, being of one accord. Your work goes forward when we set aside our personal agenda, and for the sake of the body, focus on that which we have in common with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord, as much as it is possible, help us to be at peace with our church family, our immediate and extended family as well that You have blessed us with. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer Of Thanks For The Bible

“Father, You make Your will known to us through the authority of the Holy Scriptures. And yet each day we are exposed to opinions and lifestyles that are a direct contrast to Your teaching through Scripture and the life of Jesus.  It helps us deal with such conflict when we remember that though we must be in the world we are not to partake of the world’s ways. We recall the temptations of Jesus over the 40 days He spent in the wilderness fasting and praying.  Matthew writes that it was Your Spirit that led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  Was that to show us that even Jesus could be tempted by the evil one?  Did Jesus go through this testing to show us how to resist the devil’s crafty lies by responding with Scripture?  Was it to show us that being prayed up helps us to resist the evil one?  Thank You for this inspiring and instructive Scripture passage that helps us in our own wilderness journeyings that are filled with baited traps along the way.  We want to be prayed up and read up so that we will not give the devil a foothold in our lives.  We want to be victorious through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray.  Amen.”