
A Prayer For Spiritual Weeders

“Father, the pesty weeds in the garden are pervasive, persistent, and problematic to the gardener until pulled out by the root.  Weeds are like sin in our lives and in order for us to be productive and thriving in our Christian walk we must uproot the growing sins that seek to choke out the Word of God in our lives. Alert us to the weeds in their infancy stage lest they overtake the precious implanted truths of Your Holy Scripture and we begin to live for the worthless weed instead of the precious Bread of Life.  Keep us diligent, zealous, and hopeful as we nurture our daily lives with the spiritual tools of forgiveness, patience, forbearance, enduring love and so many other productive attitudes as written in the Scriptures.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.”