
A Prayer For Overcomers

Father,  as we place our faith in You and read the Scriptures, we learn that Satan is like a roaring lion seeking to devour us. Certainly he wants to conquer us, but through Your strength and our adherence to Your warnings we can be more than conquerors over our worst lifelong enemy, the devil. The full reward of resisting the enemy is not fully realized in our earthly pilgrimage, for the best awaits us on the other side, as we eat from the tree of life in Your paradise. Help us to find the joy of living here below as we store up our true lasting treasures in heaven where we will fully experience the eternal, unbounded blessings that await us as we enter Your eternal Paradise.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.


A Prayer For Godly Knowledge

“Father, we want to prayerfully consider Timothy’s warning and realize that evil will escalate in the last days where the wicked and impostors will worsen and deception will be rampant even in the church. This happens when the Holy Bible is not the supreme authority, and is replaced by the popular teaching of those who seek to sway believers as they “spend their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new.” We want to be wise, discerning, and careful to line up that which we hear with the ancient words of Scripture. For You are coming to judge the earth. You will judge the world with righteousness and all the nations with Your truth. Therefore we want to be fully devoted to following Your commandments, contend faithfully to the truth, and guard the deposit  You entrusted to us. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For Discerning False Prophets

“Father, as the slide to decadence deepens, we see the influence it has on the Christian church at large. Fearing rejection and mockery from the world or appearing as unsuccessful in the eyes of the world, many church leaders become accepting of the current philosophies and lifestyles prominent in our day, rather than holding to the unchanging standards prescribed through Your commands in Scripture. In the gray areas, help us to be gracious. But in the black and white commands of Scripture help us to be brave, strong and unambiguous in our position and consistent in our example as permissiveness, false prophesies, and weakened leaders dot the landscape. When seekers want the timeless truth of Scriptures rather than the changing truth of our times we will be prepared to guide them to Your eternal truths. Keep us faithful in doing so. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For Faithfulness

“Father, as we look at the ancient paths, we must make choices that reflect truths and principles established from the beginning of time as taught in the Scriptures. Help us to align ourselves with Your teaching and reject anything that would lead us to compromise or forsake that which we learn from Your Holy Manuscript, the Word of God. Change is inevitable and often inviting, but not the kind of change that would lead us to forsake the teachings of old, the lifestyle that reveals to others that we are set apart unto holiness, a people who reflect Christ living within us. Our days on earth are like grass; we bloom and die. The wind blows, and we are gone, as though we had never been here.  In a changing world You are our unchanging holy God and Your love endures forever. You are indeed the same yesterday, today, and forever and because of that we give you our full allegiance. Amen.”‘


A Prayer For A Future Reunion

“Father, in the words of Paul we’re taught that we who are still alive when Christ returns will be caught up together with believers in the clouds to meet You in the air, and so we will always be with You. We encourage each other with these words of Scripture reminding us that as our Christian friends and family go before us we will see each other again at Your appointed time. Keep us faithful, hopeful and always watching for that glorious everlasting reunion. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For An Eternal Perspective

“Father, daily there are questions looming; some trivial and others essential to our existence here on earth. But the most vital question we must answer in in a timely manner and in adherence to Scripture has to do with our eternal destiny. Just as the patriarchs of old lived long lives and then were buried by their children, our bodies too will return to dust, while our souls live on for eternity. We want to “be gathered to our people” who’ve made their pilgrimage here on earth with You as their Shepherd. We choose to commit our ways to You and follow Your commands so that our room and board is forever paid up in the great beyond where Christ sits at Your right hand. Keep us faithful till that day is fulfilled in our lives. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For Receptivity To Godly Alarms

“Father, the alarms have rung loud and clear since Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden of Eden. The battlelines were drawn between the hosts of heaven and hell early on. We thank You for the spiritual armor listed in Ephesians 6 that equips us for battle, both offense and defense, as the flaming arrows of the devil are hurled in our direction. We thank You for Jesus, the captain of the spiritual army who sounds the warning throughout Scripture and through messengers of the gospel. Keep our ears tuned, our minds alert, and our hearts softened. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer During Times Waithing

“Father, far too often we want quick fixes or to know the exact means in which You are going to work a matter out in our lives. But even as the Gospel is in ways a mystery unfolding, so is Your leading in our lives. If we had it all figured out and knew exactly how everything was going to fall into place, we’d be walking by sight rather than trusting by faith. We know that “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see.” Reassure our hearts as we keep the words of Solomon before us, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” May Your Voice of Truth always be our guide in testing the spirits of those who are quick to say, “Thus saith the Lord” or “God told me…” If they are truly Your prophetic messengers their actions and words will be confirmed through Scripture.  Amen.”

Bible Verse

Matthew 22:29 (NIV)

“Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”


A Prayer For Spiritual Contenders

“Father, the commandments that You give are not only to be impressed upon our thoughts but also implanted in our hearts.  Help us to be cautious and prayerful about new teachings that are pleasing to the ear and popular with our present generation, but do not bear witness with the eternal Scripture. Keep us on guard against the easy-isms of a shallow Christian experience, for that will eventually give way to our surrendering during intense enemy warfare.  We hold on to that which is of most importance and pass on to those who come behind the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints of all generations. We want to contend for the faith no matter the cost.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.”