
A Prayer For An Eternal Perspective

Father, You have set eternity in the hearts of Your people though it is impossible for us to comprehend all that You have done from eternity past to eternity future. Your existence spans eternity for You always have been and always will be. As Your children, we await the next really big event of Christ’s return and joyfully anticipate His appearing where He invites us to take our first step inside the pearly gates where we will view the home He has prepared for us and the New Jerusalem He has prepared for the saints of all ages. Ten million years later we’ll still be singing Your praise and giving thanks that there is no end to our days nor to our unbounding joy. It is through Jesus that we have this unending access to heaven and it is in His name that we pray. Amen.


A Prayer For An Eternal Perspective

“Father, daily there are questions looming; some trivial and others essential to our existence here on earth. But the most vital question we must answer in in a timely manner and in adherence to Scripture has to do with our eternal destiny. Just as the patriarchs of old lived long lives and then were buried by their children, our bodies too will return to dust, while our souls live on for eternity. We want to “be gathered to our people” who’ve made their pilgrimage here on earth with You as their Shepherd. We choose to commit our ways to You and follow Your commands so that our room and board is forever paid up in the great beyond where Christ sits at Your right hand. Keep us faithful till that day is fulfilled in our lives. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For An Eternal Perspective

“Father, there are so many enticements this world has to offer that rival for my devotion. I must be careful not to let the  allurements this world has to offer deter me from the bigger picture; my eternal home in heaven or the promises that are yet to be filled. So that I don’t lost sight of the kingdom of God I desire godly discernment day in and day out in the choices I make that will help me remain faithful and fully committed to You in my Christian walk. I ask for Your help in the strong name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.  Amen.”