
A Prayer For Day By Day Faithfulness

Father, we’re grateful for the supernatural work You perform in our lives. Help us to follow Your leading in the small day to day promptings we receive from Your Spirit as we go about our activities. The way You cared for Moses is a great reminder that we are never without hope and our circumstances are never too grave when we walk in Your ways and trust You for that which concerns us.



A Prayer For Grace

“Father, we limit our faith when we pray and then expect You to provide for our needs in the natural human way. But when we read the Scriptures we’re reminded me that You are Omnipotent and You work in supernatural ways to restore broken lives and mend broken hearts. You do extraordinary things in ordinary lives who’ve plunged into desperate messes of their own making. We place our loved ones in Your hands and ask You to reveal Your immeasurable, not for sale grace to their lives, even as You have shown to us. Thank You for grace, God’s riches at Christ’s expense. Amen.”