
A Prayer For Those Dealing With Hopelessness

Heavenly Father, when those aboard the ship in Acts 27 were looking at the gloomy forecast that appeared for many days their hopes diminished day by day. So often that’s what leads us to defeat; we fear the raging storm and the damage it will do, instead of looking to the One who controls the wind and waves. We consider those suffering as a result of Hurricane Sandy, reminding us that You are a God of the impossible, bringing hope in the midst of devastation, restoration in the midst of loss. We pray that there will be Christian believers who will bring the life-saving message of Jesus Christ to the hearts of the suffering and bring a message of hope, not based on what they see, but in the hope we have through the Holy Spirit as we trust in You. Amen.


A Prayer For Day By Day Faithfulness

Father, we’re grateful for the supernatural work You perform in our lives. Help us to follow Your leading in the small day to day promptings we receive from Your Spirit as we go about our activities. The way You cared for Moses is a great reminder that we are never without hope and our circumstances are never too grave when we walk in Your ways and trust You for that which concerns us.
