
A Prayer Of Esteem For The Elderly

Father, we read of those in the Bible from generations long ago who lived upright and godly lives. They were discerning and wise, devoted in their duties such as Anna and Simeon who served in the temple. So many serve as examples of those who walked in Your ways from their youth and remained faithful through their golden years.  Some of their choices brought about multiple blessings and other choices brought forth great sacrifice, persecution, or even death. We also read of those who were proud and foolish, thinking only of themselves, such as Samson, Ananias and Sapphira or Demetrius the Silversmith. They also serve as warnings to us. We highly esteem those older than us, many whose self-worth is based on productivity and accomplishment, which makes them feel no longer useful in their senior years. Yet their example of wisdom, maturity, and perseverance, especially as they experience the pains and limitations that come with aging, serve as a tremendous example for those of us who will soon follow in their steps. It’s in the name of Jesus that we pray for our senior friends. Amen.


A Prayer For Personal Holiness

Father, we cannot remain neutral but must stand for that which is good or we will fall for that which is evil.  Help us, as believers, to cling to that which is good even when it comes at great sacrifice. With the aid of Your Holy Spirit, we will be keenly discerning of the spirits of this age.  We look to You alone, for “There is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.


A Prayer Of Spiritual Victory

Father, we recognize that we are overcomers because we are children of God.  The battles we conquer and the ultimate victory we attain in our lifetime is wholly because of the power of Christ at work in us. We are more than conquerers through Jesus who loves us and gave His life for our sins.  Thank you for the inexhaustible supply of Your grace, power, and provision for our salvation and our steadfast walk with You in the ensuing battles of daily life.