
A Prayer For Entering Through The Narrow Gate

Father, through Your righteous narrow gate we enter into the Christian journey. And with Your help and by Your mercy we will also stay the course. How grateful we are to be among those who enter since Jesus said “only a few will find it.” At times there is a compulsion to be aligned with the masses who walk the broad way because it is more acceptable to others and easier to align with those around us. But we know the end result will be eternal damnation later, lack of peace here and now, and friendship with the enemy of our soul.  Help us to remain faithful to You, zealous in our Christian walk, and ever mindful of those we need to bring along with us on the narrow path. In Jesus name we pray.



A Prayer To Our Ever-Reigning God

Jesus, You reign over all the earth and You also reign in my heart!  What an awesome blessing this truth brings to me today. As I consider that it is not by my might, nor by my power, but by the Spirit of the Lord of Hosts that my personal mountains are removed. Jesus, I know that most of the mountains that block my path are not moved by a simple prayer of faith, but these mountains are often the very essence of how You work through my life to reveal Your faithfulness and Your power in the midst of my struggles. You develop godly character as I am challenged to remain steadfast and faithful in my Christian walk. You make my feet like hind’s feet that enable me to walk upon high places. Help me to keep my gaze continually upward during the climb so that I see You reigning on Your throne as I bring You glory and honor!



A Prayer For The Christian Race

Father, the spiritual journey may have its twists and turns, its potholes and inclines that obscure the finish line, but by faith I will stay the course because You give me power when I feel faint and strength when I am weak. Everlasting Father, Creator of the ends of the earth You do not grow weary or faint; Your understanding is vast beyond measure and Your might gives me strength when I grow weary and hope when I become discouraged helping me to rise as though I have wings as eagles. Help me to soar above my troubles and give flight to those worries that would otherwise weigh me down. I ask this in the name of Jesus.



A Prayer Expressing Faith In Christ

Jesus, we want to fix our eyes, our thoughts, and our affections on You, our blessed Redeemer.  Though You faced enormous opposition that would provide understandable excuse for altering Your redemption plan, nevertheless You endured the cross and scorned it’s shame. Thank you that you died for our sins and rose in victory and returned to Your Father to sit at His right hand. When we consider the depth of Your commitment we’re even more determined to be faithful in the night seasons of our Christian walk.  Help us to endure by keeping our eyes, not on that which is seen, but on the unseen future rewards that You promise to those who are faithful.  We pray this in Your name.



A Prayer For A Steadfast Spirit

Father, in this decadent world where impostors are increasing in number and, in their menacing deception, we can easily be lured into their schemes or we can stand our ground for purity and holiness though we may be few in number.  Help us to always be on guard by familiarizing ourselves with Scripture, and arming ourselves in the attire of a Christian soldier as we do battle with the enemy of darkness. And, Lord, for those who are dear to our heart; those who have taken the enemy’s bait and now are entrapped in sin’s deadly tentacles, we prayerfully intercede on their behalf as we cry out to You.  Free them from the deadly strangle of Satan’s influence.  Grant us wisdom, discernment, and favor as we interact with them.  Send others to bring light to their darkened paths and to help us bear this heavy burden.  We will not be defeated, for Your power that is within us is greater than the power of our enemy.  We will not despair in our problems, but we will delight in Your promises. In the name of Jesus we pray.



A Prayer For Faithfulness

Father, it is the desire of every earnest believer to remain faithful to You. The world often uses the expression, “Be true to yourself” intending that people stand up for what they believe in, but those of the world, by and large, stand for causes and beliefs that often conflict with the holy Word of God. We are also subject to error and our emotions cannot be trusted, so with absolute resolve we choose to be true to You, rather than self. Once we put our hands to the plow we choose to cultivate Christian values and Biblical principles.  We fix our gaze on Jesus so that we don’t lose our way. We join with others of the Christian faith who hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, even as we spur one another on toward love and good deeds.



A Prayer For The Heavenbound

“Father, all the goals and strategies that I set for my life culminate in the blessing of knowing that as I press on I will eventually hear You say to me, “Well done, good and faithful servant”!  “You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary….I will give the right to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.”   You grant the eternal prize for remaining steadfast and faithful in my Christian walk.  Others in this world may earn titles and win prizes for worthy earthly pursuits, but the greatest prize that I will ever obtain is my entrance into heaven where I will see you face to face.  And amazingly it was not because I earned it but because of Your merciful pardon of my sin.  May my outlook be bright today as my heart is heavenbound.  Amen.”