
A Prayer For Entering Through The Narrow Gate

Father, through Your righteous narrow gate we enter into the Christian journey. And with Your help and by Your mercy we will also stay the course. How grateful we are to be among those who enter since Jesus said “only a few will find it.” At times there is a compulsion to be aligned with the masses who walk the broad way because it is more acceptable to others and easier to align with those around us. But we know the end result will be eternal damnation later, lack of peace here and now, and friendship with the enemy of our soul.  Help us to remain faithful to You, zealous in our Christian walk, and ever mindful of those we need to bring along with us on the narrow path. In Jesus name we pray.



A Prayer As We Await The Final Outcome

Father, we don’t always know where our present steps will take us on life’s journey, but we do know they lead us to heaven as we walk with You. Our steps here may lead to steep mountains or deep valleys.  Crooked paths and rough terrain may be part of the journey, but ultimately we will rest where the steps of Jesus end at heaven’s throne. There we will no longer have questions about our future, for we know that we will spend eternity forever worshiping You as we give You glory, honor, praise, and thanksgiving. Give us peace and joy for our journey here below and heavenward anticipation for our future inheritance.  In the name of Jesus we pray.



A Prayer For The Christian Race

Father, the spiritual journey may have its twists and turns, its potholes and inclines that obscure the finish line, but by faith I will stay the course because You give me power when I feel faint and strength when I am weak. Everlasting Father, Creator of the ends of the earth You do not grow weary or faint; Your understanding is vast beyond measure and Your might gives me strength when I grow weary and hope when I become discouraged helping me to rise as though I have wings as eagles. Help me to soar above my troubles and give flight to those worries that would otherwise weigh me down. I ask this in the name of Jesus.



A Prayer For Reaching Our Heavenly Destination

Father, we find life’s journey to be enjoyable and entertaining in the straight stretches of life where we travel most of the time. Other times we learn to navigate life’s twists and turns, and must exercise steady endurance as we drive through the cavernous potholes that usually appear without notice. Through it all we keep our eyes on the goal of our faith, straining toward what lies ahead, the prize for which You have called us heavenward in Christ Jesus. We can press on, even when circumstances are grim, because our strength comes from You. As the Apostle Paul wrote, When I am weak, then I am strong. In our weakness You become our strength. You are the light that breaks through our gloom and guides our every footstep. We will fight the good fight, we will finish the race, and we will keep the faith as we remain faithful in our walk with You. It is in Jesus’ name that we pray.



A Prayer For Finishing The Journey Faithfully

Father, we’re grateful for those throughout history who chose to be men and women of faith, whose hearts were fashioned in Your image, and who served Your purpose in their generation. We also want to serve Your purpose in our generation.  Help us to stay steadfast and strong as we run this race set before us. Thankfully, in this race, we’re not in competition to be the only prizewinner. Instead we take hold of the hands of those who run with us, those who’ve fallen and struggle to get up, and we invite others on the sidelines to join us in this great lifelong journey. As we cross the finish line we will receive the grand prize of life eternal with You. And it’s only possible because of Jesus’ shed blood on our behalf. We thank You for it.
