
A Prayer For Godly Discernment

Father, You have given to some the spiritual gift of discernment, and for others it’s the years of reading the Scriptures, listening to godly teaching and walking in obedience to You that discernment has characterized our faith journey. We want to be observant, understanding, and discerning about our times, so that we are prepared to do battle with the enemy and show others the way to eternal life. Amen.


A Prayer For True Worshipers

Jesus, You teach us that our act of worship is not confined to a cathedral setting nor does it require professional ministerial training to carry out true worship.  It comes from the heart of the true believer who acknowledges that You are the long awaited Messiah, the One who is called Christ.  We worship You in Spirit, for though we cannot humanly see or touch You, we come to You in complete sincerity with a spirit that is directed by the life and activity of the Holy Spirit.   We worship You in truth because union with You requires believing and speaking the truth.  May we be the kind of worshipers that pleases the heart of the Father.  Amen.


A Prayer For Personal Holiness

Father, we cannot remain neutral but must stand for that which is good or we will fall for that which is evil.  Help us, as believers, to cling to that which is good even when it comes at great sacrifice. With the aid of Your Holy Spirit, we will be keenly discerning of the spirits of this age.  We look to You alone, for “There is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.


A Prayer For Pastors

Father, we thank You for the spiritual leaders You have placed in our lives. We thank You for those who express personal concern when they see that we’re troubled and offer Bible-based counsel and encouragement. We thank You for those who contend earnestly for the faith, teaching us simple and profound truths of the Bible. We thank You for those who kneel before You and lift us up in prayer. You’ve given them a burden to care for our soul, to love us unconditionally. We hold them in the highest regard as they carefully deliver Scriptural truths that will keep us from being shaken as the slide to decadence increases. Keep them safe from the evil one so that they remain a solid example to those whom they shepherd. We pray this in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


A Prayer Of Spiritual Victory

Father, we recognize that we are overcomers because we are children of God.  The battles we conquer and the ultimate victory we attain in our lifetime is wholly because of the power of Christ at work in us. We are more than conquerers through Jesus who loves us and gave His life for our sins.  Thank you for the inexhaustible supply of Your grace, power, and provision for our salvation and our steadfast walk with You in the ensuing battles of daily life.


A Prayer For God’s Good Work

Father, You began a good work in me the moment of my conception when You created me in Your own image. Incredibly, You choose to reflect Your divine Being through my thoughts, attitudes, and actions though I am numbered among the “frail children of dust.” I place my trust in You and have found that You never fail. You never give up or abandon the work You started in my life but Your tender mercies and divine plan continue to break me, mold me, and shape me into Your image. The process will not be completed until the day Christ calls us home. Thank You, Father, for being my “Maker, Defender, Redeemer and my Friend”.  Amen.


A Prayer For New Life

Father, we have crucified our old nature with Christ and therefore it is Christ who lives in us. The life we now live in the flesh we live by faith through Jesus who loves us and gave Himself for us. If we set our affections on things above, we won’t be as disappointed when we can’t find all the answers here below, but when we appear with You in glory grievances here on earth will disappear forever! Praise God forevermore. Amen.


A Prayer Of Trust

Father, we place our complete trust in You, for You are a faithful, trustworthy, and loving God.  As we feed on Your faithfulness and live by Your righteousness revealed to us through the Scriptures we find ourselves delighting in Your presence.   We also delight in You when we sing praises, when we give ourselves in service to others, and most especially when we commune with You in prayer.  May the desires of our heart bring delight to Yours as we conform ourselves to Your will and rid ourselves of that which lures us from the safe pasture You have abundantly supplied for those who believe.   Amen.


A Prayer For Encouragers

Father, much like Barnabas the encourager, we want to be uplifting to our brothers and sisters, our family members, and others we see from day to day. There are those who’ve left us with stinging reminders of their hurtful words often accompanied by painful actions. Gratefully, there are others who have brought us strength and encouragement through their words of affirmation, hope, challenge, and helpful instruction. They remained supportive of us when others gave up. Help us to be numbered among the encouragers as we live in these perilous days where confusion abounds and deceitfulness is rampant. May we encourage others not only by our words but also by our steady, consistent, Christian lifestyle. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.


A Prayer For Redeeming The Time

Father, we are called to obedience to Your Word which compels us to redeem the time, because the days are evil.  As we see evil crouching in at every level, it’s all the more reason why we must be vigilant to live pure lives so that the light of Jesus shines through our words and our actions in this darkened world. We want to pay close attention to ourselves and persevere in the truths presented in Scripture so that we will ensure salvation both for ourselves and for those whom we have opportunity to influence. It is through Jesus that we pray. Amen.