
A Prayer For Godly Discernment

Father, You have given to some the spiritual gift of discernment, and for others it’s the years of reading the Scriptures, listening to godly teaching and walking in obedience to You that discernment has characterized our faith journey. We want to be observant, understanding, and discerning about our times, so that we are prepared to do battle with the enemy and show others the way to eternal life. Amen.


A Prayer For Spiritual Discernment

Father, even as we hunger and thirst for physical substance intensify our hunger and thirst for godly discernment, spiritual knowledge, and righteous living. You declare “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Only as we regularly nurture our spiritual appetite will we delve into the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. Through the daily grind of life the inexhaustible truths revealed in Your Word brighten our outlook and make certain of our eternal hope. Jesus is the living bread for hungry souls so it is our prayer that He satisfies our hunger today. Amen.