Bible Verse

1 Peter 1:3

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”

1 Peter 1:3


A Prayer For Living In The Power Of The Resurrection

Father, we need the strength and boldness that comes through the indwelling resurrected power of Christ to proclaim, defend, and live the Gospel message day in and day out. It’s unlikely that we’ll ever be tested like Stephen, but we will be put to the test of defending our faith before unbelievers in this hostile world where the majority lack faith. We feel inadequate for the task, but we walk in the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit and look to You for courage, compassion, and clarity in the message You have commissioned us to share with unbelievers. That which we cannot adequately express, or clearly explain is provided in the Scriptures which we can give to those we reach. Not only do we thank You for the inspiration of the Scriptures, but we are so grateful that we have easy access to the Word.



A Prayer Of Faith In The Resurrection

Father, the announcement made by the angel at the tomb continues to echo throughout the centuries. Just as the women told the disciples that Jesus was not in the tomb, but He is risen, disciples of Christ have repeated the life-changing Good News to all who will hear. Though Jesus was dead He lives again. Though we were spiritually dead in our trespasses and sins we are set free and made alive through the saving blood of Jesus Christ. His resurrected power raises us up out of the dark tomb of our sinful despair, and promises us a home in heaven where darkness is banned. No light from a lamp or rays from the sun will be needed, for the Lord God is the Light of Heaven. Keep us looking to the everlasting light as we journey in a land where darkness reigns. In the name of Jesus we pray



A Prayer For Those Contending For The Resurrection

Father, we thank You for the living hope we have through Jesus who did not die in vain, but instead He conquered sin and death. You raised Christ’s body from the dead, because death could not hold Him.  The certainty of Christ’s resurrection is taught and reinforced throughout the New Testament writings and is the cornerstone of our faith. Biblical perspective makes the reality of the grave not a finality, but a springboard from which we will enter into glorious, eternal life. With deep conviction we choose to earnestly, faithfully, and vigorously contend for this essential truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
