
A Prayer Of Praise At All Times

“Father, we want to bless You at all times and in all circumstances. May praise continually be uttered from our lips as it overflows from our heart. Whatever we are going through, and however long its duration may it not deter us from giving You praise and thanksgiving for who You are and all that You do on our behalf. As we seek You we find Your all-sufficiency to be our strength, power and might. In the wonderful name of Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For Discernment In Understanding God’s Word

“Father, I ask for discernment that I may understand Your statutes. I pray for understanding that I might know how to implement these truths into my life. I also pray that I will grow to love and embrace Your laws so that it becomes a natural outflow of my commitment in following You. Amen.”


A Prayer For Staying In God’s Love

“Father, there are so many things about our future that we can’t foresee, but we can entrust our future to You for safekeeping. It will keep us from troublesome worries that worsen our present circumstances by causing us to falter or doubt. It will keep us from making improper choices and will help us maintain a healthy outlook from day to day. But as we build ourselves up on our most holy faith, and pray in the Holy Spirit, we will keep ourselves in Your love, Father, as we anxiously await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. It is in His name that we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For Faithfulness

“Father, the commandments that You give are to be impressed upon our hearts. Your love motivates us to obey Your commands and Your holiness teaches us to align our desires with Your own.  Help us to be extremely cautious about new teachings that are pleasing to the ear and popular with our present generation, but do not bear witness with our spirit or Scripture.  As we study Your Holy Word, from cover to cover, and meditate upon Your principles we will hold on to that which is of most importance and pass on to those who come behind the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints of all generations.  Amen.”


A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Love

“Father, we thank You for the love letters from John who presents important truths and none so important as Your relentless love for us.  You are love, the very embodiment of that which You teach us to feel and to practice.  It is also seen in our attitudes which then is made visible by our words and our actions. We are amazed by Your love and rely on it for our salvation, our daily existence, our present and eternal future and for our every provision.  We express our love to You by giving You our lives.  How easy and inviting that is because You are a loving God and we fully rely on You! Amen.”


A Prayer For Edifying Words

“Father, we desire to communicate with our spouses, family members and other people in a way that builds up and benefits those who listen. As we establish Biblical principles in our heart, they will act as filters for that which flows from our tongue. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Amen.”


A Prayer For Those Who Value Life

“Father, when You took the dust of the ground to form man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life You had a purpose for his existence on earth. And You have a purpose for all human life. Forgive us for assuming that we know more than You, the Creator of life, in willfully choosing whether one is allowed to live and another is destined to die before one breathes his or her first independent breath. We thank You for the millions who take a visible stand for life, based not on a popular theme but on truths established in Your Holy Word. Help us to be vigilant in doing what is right and good in Your sight, even when it is inconvenient and costly to our personal lives. In our disposable society help us never to dispose of human life that You created or to dispose of truths that You intended for us to live by in favor of a political, intellectual, or financial agenda.

We pray for those in the abortion industry who are motivated by financial gain by the taking of innocent life much like Judas who took the 30 pieces of silver as He handed Jesus over to those who would crucify Him. Like Joseph’s brothers who took the 20 pieces of silver in exchange for selling their innocent brother. Father, we look to You in faith asking that You speak to the indifferent and bigoted hearts that cause innocent lives to be slaughtered every minute of every day.  We pray this impassioned prayer in the name of Jesus who said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Amen.”


A Prayer For Trusting

“Father, You have called us to a journey of faith where we learn to trust You for all that we have need of, for the present and the future – in our relationships, our health,  our earthly provisions and our spiritual needs.  Like the songwriter, Louisa Stead, wrote; “I’m so glad I learned to trust You, precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; For I know that You are with me; Will be with me to the end.  Jesus, Jesus How I trust You, How I’ve proved You o’er and o’er;  Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus,  O for grace to trust You more.”  Help us to find the sweetness of wholeheartedly trusting in You, we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.”


A Prayer For Being A Person Of Truthfulness

“Father, I choose the way of truth, for it is also the way of light, for Jesus Himself said, “I am the Light.”  The Word declares that you hate “a lying tongue”. Darkness lurks where deception and falsehood exists and becomes the breeding ground for all sorts of evil.  Father, I ask You to shine Your searchlight on the contents of my heart and reveal the motive for my actions.  Help me to purge all that dishonors Your name.  I invite Your light to dispel the darkness of my soul.  Amen.”


A Prayer For Contentedness

“Father, far too many live in a state of discontent where we find ourselves loving things and using people. It distorts our priorities and gives us temporary excitement with things, but leaves us with long-term dissatisfaction in ourselves and our relationships. Help us to enjoy material things but to place a higher value on greater pursuits such as growing friendships, solid marriage relations, growing godly character, giving without receiving and other worthy goals. We will be content as we rejoice in the fact that whether we are in want or whether we have plenty You have promised that You will never leave us nor forsake us.  What a treasured promise for the believer both in times of need and in times of prosperity. We are content when we realize our all-sufficiency is in You, Lord. You will meet all our needs according to Your riches in glory. Amen.”