
A Prayer For A Willing Heart

Father, You’ve called us all to a life of obedience. This includes the command that we are to raise our families in such a way that they will come to know You and grow in godliness in accordance to their individual faith. We also have opportunity to influence others for Jesus as we follow the great commission in reaching out to those who don’t know Him, whether it’s our neighbor, co-worker, team member or the homeless living on the streets. We want to make a difference in our world, one person at a time, since You touch individual hearts for the kingdom one at a time. We want to faithfully do our part through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray.



A Prayer For Spiritual Honesty

Father, You reward the obedient but the disobedient will always deal with resulting consequences, now or later.  Obedience brings about blessing and disobedience brings about dishonor.  I want to honor You with my life, for there is nothing hidden from Your eyes.  Help me to set the standards of truth and honesty by Your Holy Word, not the standards of this world that are customizing “truth” to suit their ever-changing whims. When I’m confronted with my sin help me to have the fortitude and courage to deal with it. May I not cover it up, change its true meaning, blame others, procrastinate or deceive myself.  Thank You for granting complete forgiveness.  Amen.