
A Prayer For A Soft Heart

Father, the teaching of Your Word is like a hammer that breaks away the clumps of hardness in our hearts; our stubbornness, pride, and rebellion. When we read and apply Your principles they open our blinded eyes, guide us out of darkness into light and put a fire in our spirit; a fire that doesn’t burn out but empowers us to live for You all the days of our life. We thank You for the fire of Your Spirit. It is in Jesus’ name that we pray.



A Prayer For Patience In Waiting

Father, it is during times of discouragement or bewilderment that I find myself more attentive to Your instruction. My heart is more absorbing of the truths You want to convey when I walk in obedience and leave the results to You. Help me to always remember that You are the Teacher and I am the student. I welcome the wisdom of the Master to guide me into all truths,  and sustain me in the moments of silence and waiting.


Bible Love Quotes

Bible Love Quotes: Mark 12:30

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.


A Prayer To Our Ever-Reigning God

Jesus, You reign over all the earth and You also reign in my heart!  What an awesome blessing this truth brings to me today. As I consider that it is not by my might, nor by my power, but by the Spirit of the Lord of Hosts that my personal mountains are removed. Jesus, I know that most of the mountains that block my path are not moved by a simple prayer of faith, but these mountains are often the very essence of how You work through my life to reveal Your faithfulness and Your power in the midst of my struggles. You develop godly character as I am challenged to remain steadfast and faithful in my Christian walk. You make my feet like hind’s feet that enable me to walk upon high places. Help me to keep my gaze continually upward during the climb so that I see You reigning on Your throne as I bring You glory and honor!


Bible Verse

Mark 12:30-31

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: `Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31

Bible Verse

Psalm 14:1

“The fool says in his heart there is no God.”

Psalm 14:1


A Prayer For A Steadfast Spirit

Father, in this decadent world where impostors are increasing in number and, in their menacing deception, we can easily be lured into their schemes or we can stand our ground for purity and holiness though we may be few in number.  Help us to always be on guard by familiarizing ourselves with Scripture, and arming ourselves in the attire of a Christian soldier as we do battle with the enemy of darkness. And, Lord, for those who are dear to our heart; those who have taken the enemy’s bait and now are entrapped in sin’s deadly tentacles, we prayerfully intercede on their behalf as we cry out to You.  Free them from the deadly strangle of Satan’s influence.  Grant us wisdom, discernment, and favor as we interact with them.  Send others to bring light to their darkened paths and to help us bear this heavy burden.  We will not be defeated, for Your power that is within us is greater than the power of our enemy.  We will not despair in our problems, but we will delight in Your promises. In the name of Jesus we pray.



A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Watchful Care

Father, Your watchful eye brings great assurance to my heart as You lead me in the way of the righteous day by day. You watch over me in my time of recreation and in the midst of my struggles and losses. In times of temptation Your watchful eye and words of Scripture prevent me from yielding to sin. I invite You to protect me from those who seek to do evil as You watch over me day and night. In the name of Jesus I pray.



A Prayer For Springtime

Father, Your watchful eye brings great assurance to my heart as You, Almighty Father, are a God of perfect order, and Your immutable character does not change.  Your perfect design of the universe and all of created life that sustains it is also testimony to Your unchanging faithfulness. We marvel in the wonder of each hour of the day and of the night, hill and meadow, tree and flower, sun and moon and stars of light. The redeemed join with all of nature in declaring Your wondrous beauty in all creation as we bring praise, honor and glory to You, our Faithful God.


Bible Love Quotes

Bible Love Quotes: Deuteronomy 6:5

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength”

Deuteronomy 6:5