
A Prayer For Being A Pleasant Aroma

Father, I am thankful for the sense of smell. Depending on what I am smelling it can bring about a pleasant response where I linger taking in more and more of the pleasing scent. Today, I pray that the spiritual fruit from my life would emit such an aroma.  First, I want to offer to You the sweet smelling sacrifice of a life fully surrendered to You. Secondly, I pray that those whom I see today would find my words and/or actions to be a very uplifting part of their day. May I bring encouragement through pleasant conversation and by taking a personal interest in others. Keep my mind and words from wandering in the cesspool of lies, jealousy, gossip, immorality and hatred. Instead I want to spread the aroma of the living Christ that others might seek Him. You will bring about divine appointments throughout my day if I make the most of every opportunity.  In Jesus’ name I pray. 



A Prayer To Be The Aroma Of Christ

Father, as we interact with others today we want to release the aroma of Christ as the Holy Spirit works in and through us. It is our prayer that others will take in the spiritual fragrance of Christ, as His sweet presence is released through our endeavors. But help us to also accept the unpleasant truth that for those who are perishing we are the smell of death. We pray that they would be wooed by the Holy Spirit and train their senses to breathe in the aroma of life by seeking out truth as defined and modelled in Scripture, namely in the person of Jesus Christ our wonderful Savior. It’s in His name that we pray.
