
A Prayer Of Resistance To Temptation

Father, Jesus warns us that Satan seeks to agitate us like wholesome grain that is being sifted from worthless chaff. You know the chaff we cling to such as doubts, fears, half-heartedness, slothfulness and other harmful debris that weakens or destroys our faith and ultimately our testimony. Help us not to resent the testings and temptations of this life that act as a filter forcing us to give up that which is uncomely to the Christian character; that which holds us back instead of moving us forward keeping us steadfast in our faith. We’re grateful for Jesus who faithfully intercedes for us, in the siftings and shakings of life. Above all, we’re grateful that no sin or failing on our part exceeds the scope of Your absolute forgiveness. Just as You restored Peter, reignited his zeal, and reinstated Him in his evangelistic role, You do the same for all who seek forgiveness and turn away from their sin.  How wonderful, how marvelous is my Savior’s love for me!