
A Prayer For Those Going Through A Shaking

Father, help us to seek first Your kingdom and pray in the spirit so that we can live in victory even while encircled by conflict. Frequently Your shakings come to bring about personal change, but we also witness Your shakings of entire nations throughout history.  Though land, dwellings and people are destroyed due to the hardness of man’s hearts, Your kingdom is indestructible. Scripture assures us that we who believe are receiving this Kingdom that cannot be destroyed, so we come with thankful hearts and worship You today with holy fear and awe, for You, our God, are a consuming fire.  Amen.

In addition, we pray for those enduring great shakings such as the families and employees who suffered the loss of family members and co-workers from the Washington massacre yesterday. May they look to You, the eternal One, for strength to cope and for the ability to forgive and overcome their loss due to such heinous acts of slaughter. And we pray for those throughout the land enduring shakings of their own, that they may find You to be their strength and hope in the midst of their testings. We can conquer and defeat all our foes through Christ Jesus our Lord.

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