
A Prayer For Those Going Through A Shaking

Father, help us to seek first Your kingdom and pray in the spirit so that we can live in victory even while encircled by conflict. Frequently Your shakings come to bring about personal change, but we also witness Your shakings of entire nations throughout history.  Though land, dwellings and people are destroyed due to the hardness of man’s hearts, Your kingdom is indestructible. Scripture assures us that we who believe are receiving this Kingdom that cannot be destroyed, so we come with thankful hearts and worship You today with holy fear and awe, for You, our God, are a consuming fire.



A Prayer Reminding Us Of Our Victory In Christ

Father, we join the apostle Paul in declaring, “Thanks be to God! You give us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Though His crucifixion and resurrection took place over 2000 years ago the victory that resulted in Christ’s resurrection echoes throughout the ages. The resurrection power provided for believers has not diminished with time, but is proven daily in the lives of believers who live victorious, overcoming lives. We do this by looking daily to Jesus the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising its shame, and now sits at Your right hand. Someday we’ll experience 100% victory over our enemy when we meet Jesus face to face. Keep us faithful till then. In Jesus’ name we pray.
