
A Prayer For Spiritual Rescuers

Merciful Father, we confess that we can be impatient and judgmental toward those who reject You time and again. We’ve come to realize that we can’t live without You but the unbeliever feels he or she has no need for You.  It seems we’re worlds apart in our outlook.  Use this passage from Jude to speak to our hearts about applying Your mercy to those who are not of the faith. They do not see through eyes of faith, but are blinded to spiritual truth. Jude also reminds us that while we must embrace the sinner in mercy and love, we must never embrace or endorse the sin. The allurement to sin is always before us, so we ask You to keep us safe, as we set up safeguards, while reaching out to those caught in sin’s entrapment. Father, we don’t want to be complacent but want to be spiritually burdened with the critical need of reaching those who doubt the Gospel message of salvation.  In the name of Jesus we pray.



A Prayer For Spiritual Fervency

Father, I consider the depth of one’s faith and how far-reaching it is when fleshed out in one’s life. Timothy’s sincere faith was due in great part to the influence of a godly grandmother and equally devoted mother. As we stay in communion with You through prayer and obedience to Your Holy Word we ask You to keep the flame burning within our hearts. It is not just compliance to Your Word, but also fervency in our spirit that will convince others of their need to walk in Your ways. In the name of Jesus we pray.



A Prayer For Spiritual Pilgrims

Father, You who created the heavens and the earth; You who created Jacob, and formed Israel have also chosen to redeem us. You even call us by Your name as we, Your redeemed, are children of the King. We are joint heirs with You through no goodness of our own or merits that we’ve earned, but only through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus, who gave His life that we might have forgiveness of sins and become Your children. We are abundantly grateful for such mercy and grace.



A Prayer For Spiritual Hunger

Father, we lift our cup to You for a fresh filling of Your Holy Spirit that refreshes, invigorates, encourages, convicts and guides us into all truths. We want to be vigilant in our spiritual walk, never sighing at old truths but making them the unchanging foundation on which we build newly understood truths and personal experiences in which You reveal Yourself to us. We will continue to grow up in our salvation as we partake of all that You have provided to meet our spiritual needs. In Jesus’ name we pray.



A Prayer For Spiritual Enlightenment

Father, Your creation has unlimited visual stimuli that is seen by our eyes today, but according to Scripture even our heart and our mind can see. Many philosophies and principles come to us through our mind, but we want the eyes of our heart to embrace only that which will keep our hearts pure, that sorts truth from error, good from bad.  May the eyes of our heart reject teachings that are inconsistent with our spiritual enlightenment. Help us to sharpen and narrow our heart’s vision to escape the broad way that leads to destruction. Keep our eyes open to the good things You want to reveal and shut our eyes to the “god of this age” whose goal it is to lead us to spiritual poverty and death.  In Your name, Jesus, we pray.



A Prayer Of Spiritual Self-Examination

Father, I ask myself, “Am I living in a manner worthy of Your name? Do I seek to please You rather than myself? Does the fruit of my labor reflect the Spirit of Christ living within my heart? Do I have a zeal for the things of Christ and a desire to know Him better, to reflect His character every day in my life? Am I steady or do I sputter in my Christian influence?” Father, in all these things I want to be more like Christ, consistent in the ways that bring glory to Your name and growth in my spiritual nature. I want my spiritual walk to be the most important pursuit of my life as I journey here below so that I may influence as many as possible to live for Jesus. It is in His name that I pray.



A Prayer For Spiritual Discernment

Father, we ask You to not only open our eyes to that which is around us, but we ask You to open the eyes of our hearts so that we might envision that which is true and that which is false on a spiritual level. When we hide Your Word in our hearts we more quickly discern that which masquerades as good, but its source is from one of Satan’s servants “masquerading as a servant of righteousness.” Because Your Spirit reigns in our hearts and knowledge from Scripture fills our minds, we affirm that which is Scriptural and reject that which is heresy. May we ever be vigilant in attaining Scriptural knowledge and fervent in prayer as we encounter the gods of this age. In the matchless and true name of Jesus we pray,



A Prayer For Spiritual Discernment

Father, we ask You to not only open our eyes to that which is around us, but we ask You to open the eyes of our hearts so that we might envision that which is true and that which is false on a spiritual level. When we hide Your Word in our hearts we more quickly discern that which masquerades as good, but its source is from one of Satan’s servants “masquerading as a servant of righteousness.” Because Your Spirit reigns in our hearts and knowledge from Scripture fills our minds, we affirm that which is Scriptural and reject that which is heresy. May we ever be vigilant in attaining Scriptural knowledge and fervent in prayer as we encounter the gods of this age. In the matchless and true name of Jesus we pray,



A Prayer For Spiritual Contenders

Father, we thank You for the shepherds whose hearts are fashioned in Your likeness, who lead us with knowledge and understanding. Protect them from the evil one. We look to our shepherds for example, guidance, and clarity and affirmation of the teachings from the Word of God. It is Your wisdom given to wise men and Your knowledge given to those of understanding who illumine our way in these days of confusion where wrong is upheld and right is disdained by the current philosophies and mindset of the world. We will persevere even if the foundations are destroyed, living for Jesus drawing others to Him in whom the light dwells.



A Prayer For Being A Spiritual Light

Father God, we are a chosen generation, a people set apart to show forth the praises of Christ who has called us out of darkness into Your marvelous light. Since You have illumined our darkness we will not conceal it, but rather shine forth wherever we are; in the marketplace, in our homes, in the business place, in the neighborhood, in the voting booth, in church and wherever we have opportunity to bring forth light in this world of darkness. We can make a difference and want to do so. We want to witness faithfully of the light of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord in whose name we pray.
