
A Prayer Of Remembrance

Father, we give thanks for the men and women of great valor who have given their lives for our freedoms over the centuries.  We also give thanks for those who have impacted our spiritual lives as we seek to live faithfully for You; the Biblical saints, the early church fathers, the martyrs of the faith, the evangelists, preachers, and teachers of Your Holy Word, our family members who showed us the way and we thank You for those extraordinary believers who not only lived for You but lived as an example of faith to those of us who were watching and learning along the way.  Above all, we thank You for the person of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life to our eternal Home in heaven.



A Prayer From A Praising Heart

Father, when we face struggles with a confident heart instead of a cringing fear we give testimony to Your active power in our lives. There is nothing that we cannot overcome by Your grace as You work out the details and the timing.  A whining spirit only leads to self-pity while a thankful spirit visualizes a hopeful outlook. Our confidence grows as we look beyond the current crisis to You, our Great Deliverer, who has done so many wondrous works that the whole world is not big enough to contain the books that would describe Your miraculous, delivering power.



A Prayer For A Prayer Of Purpose

Father, You have great purpose for our lives and for the legacy we leave for those who follow. In our journey there are bitter waters from which we drink and there are sweet fragrances that fill our nostrils. Through it all You work to bring the good out of bad circumstances, all the while reminding us of our calling to live according to Your purpose. May we be trusting in the hard times and faithful all the time.


A Prayer For A Loving Spirit

Father, may we be people who are quick to notice the ways in which we can be of special blessing to others. It seems quite easy when it comes to those whom we befriend. We often recognize their need before they express it and find genuine fulfillment in being Your hand extended to them. But You challenge us to go even further in making ourselves available to our enemies with whom it is not natural to provide for their needs. In expressing agape love to those around us we love in spite of what we see or have experienced. May all that we do, on behalf of others, be an expression of Your divine touch in the form of Christian service. It is in Your strength and compassion that we can do that which is unnatural to our human nature, but natural to our redeemed spirit.


A Prayer For A Sound Mind

Father, nothing brings abiding peace more than knowing that we are saved from the penalty of sin and that we are firmly grounded in Your holy precepts. It makes us feel safe in a struggling world that continues to search for knowledge from all the wrong sources. We are sound in our outlook when we align our understanding and convictions with the teachings of Christ, His disciples and the prophets of old. We speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age nor from the authority of this world that changes from year to year.  Our wisdom is based upon our knowledge and understanding of You, our eternal Father, the One who changes not. In You we are saved and we are sound. Praise Your matchless, holy name.


A Prayer For A New Creation

Father, as Your new creation we have crucified our sinful selves and found new life through Your indwelling Holy Spirit.  We have given up our old selfish desires and sin no longer masters our thoughts and actions.  We deny our sinful nature so that Your will may be accomplished in our lives as we reflect Your glory day by day.  Your deliverance power gives us the strength we need to deal with the ongoing temptation to yield to our old sinful nature. In our power struggle between good and evil we gratefully proclaim: “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.


A Prayer For Integrity

Father, I consider the extremely difficult choice Job made not to sin by charging You with wrongdoing.  I consider Joseph who withstood tremendous temptation by resisting the seduction of Potiphar’s wife.  And I consider Daniel who refused to stop the custom of praying to his Father in heaven though he knew it would land him in the lions’ den.  These three, among scores of other godly brothers and sisters throughout the centuries, chose to do the right thing knowing that doing so would cause them great suffering, terrible injustice, or martyrdom.  The ultimate example is Jesus, Your Son, who died in our stead though He was wholly innocent of sin.  Help me not to look for that which is easy, quick, or that which will avoid consequence.  I choose to deal with the consequence of obedience to You; whether or not it works out for my good in the short term.  May my greatest concern be for that which works for my good internally and eternally.  In the name of Jesus I pray.

Bible Verse

Proverbs 1:8 (NIV)

“Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.”

Bible Verse

John 14:9 (NIV)

“Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”

John 14:9 (NIV)


A Prayer Of Resistance To Sin

“Father, Jesus warns us that Satan seeks to agitate us like wholesome grain that is being sifted from worthless chaff. You know the chaff we cling to such as doubts, fears, half-heartedness, slothfulness and other harmful debris that weakens or destroys our faith and our testimony. Help us not to resent the trials and temptations of this life that act as a filter forcing us to give up that which is uncomely to the Christian character; that which holds us back instead of moving us forward keeping us steadfast in our faith. We thank You, Jesus, that You faithfully intercede for us, in the siftings and shakings of life. Lord of harvest, grant that we wholesome grain and pure may be. Amen.”