
A Prayer Of Consecration

Father, we thank You for Jesus’ death on our behalf making it possible for us to be forgiven and walk in newness of life. Our sin nature no longer dominates, but our spiritual nature becomes the driving force behind our thoughts, our actions, and our conversation. In earnest we seek to bring forth abundantly good fruit which brings praise and glory to You, Father. Seeking personal attention, applause, or praise for our fruit would be gratifying the desires of our sin nature turning our good fruits into rotting, infested, and stench-filled fruit fit only for the waste pile.  Because we love righteousness and loathe sinfulness we never want to live the reverse order again. Help us when we do fall and uphold us so we can stand against the enemy and not lapse into doing things the “old familiar” way. In the name of Jesus we pray.


Bible Verse

1 John 1:7

If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7


A Prayer Of Trust In God

Father, the greatest blessing in trusting You is the confidence we walk in as we look to You for everything that we have need of.  Jeremiah draws the contrast of those who depend on humans for strength and have stopped trusting in You.  They don’t know about the good things that You can give because they are unwilling to surrender their all to You.  But we who have walked across the bridge of salvation chose to place our trust in You. We have found You to be faithful. In place of cringing fear we walk in confident faith because it is not in ourselves that we trust but in the Living God who is trustworthy in all areas of our lives.  Now, we ask for grace to trust You even more. Amen


A Prayer Of Thanks For Our Risen Lord

Father, we greatly rejoice that our Lord is risen. He is risen indeed! Therefore we walk in the resurrected power of Jesus Christ who gives us power to take our stand against the enemy and to stand up for righteousness and truth. Because You raised up Jesus in power You also raise us up by Your own power so that we are not dependent on our own wisdom or strength but we are able to conquer every foe by the power You grant to us through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray.



A Prayer To Our Ever-Reigning God

Jesus, You reign over all the earth and You also reign in my heart!  What an awesome blessing this truth brings to me today. As I consider that it is not by my might, nor by my power, but by the Spirit of the Lord of Hosts that my personal mountains are removed. Jesus, I know that most of the mountains that block my path are not moved by a simple prayer of faith, but these mountains are often the very essence of how You work through my life to reveal Your faithfulness and Your power in the midst of my struggles. You develop godly character as I am challenged to remain steadfast and faithful in my Christian walk. You make my feet like hind’s feet that enable me to walk upon high places. Help me to keep my gaze continually upward during the climb so that I see You reigning on Your throne as I bring You glory and honor!



A Prayer For A Close Walk With the Lord

Father, Your steadfast love never ceases and Your mercies are renewed daily. You deliver, heal, restore, and sustain us. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. In Your compassion You delivered the Israelites time after time and You do the same for us. We’ve grown to expect it and therefore we often take for granted Your kind provisions, Your delivering power and Your sustaining grace that guides us through each step of our journey. We can walk in confidence because we walk in step with Your Spirit, for Your Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We need not fear the future but trust You for everything we have need of. It is in Christ’s name that we pray.
