
A Prayer For Safe Pasture

Father, we place our complete trust in You, for You are a faithful, trustworthy, and loving God. As we feed on Your faithfulness and live by Your righteousness revealed to us through the Scriptures we find ourselves delighting in Your presence. We also delight in You when we sing praises, when we give ourselves in service to others, and most especially when we commune with You in prayer. May the desires of our heart bring delight to Yours as we conform ourselves to Your will and rid ourselves of that which lures us from the safe pasture You have abundantly supplied for those who believe.



A Prayer For Those Sowing In Prayer

Father, we are grateful for Your abundant mercy extended to us because You are a loving, forgiving God. You have called on us, Your children, to be a people of prayer and devotion. We pray for our land to repent of neglect and defiance of Your commands. We come against the powers of darkness that seek to extinguish the light of Your salvation that brings help and hope to weary souls in this life and secures their eternal place in heaven. Help us not to grow weary in our intercession, for we want to be faithful in prayer so that, at a future date, we will witness the harvest of souls. We pray for Your will to be accomplished in the name of Jesus.



A Prayer For The Lonely

Father, thank You for the many Scriptures that reassure us we’re never alone, whether it’s during our mountain top experiences or in the valleys below.  You promise that Your Spirit will never leave us nor forsake us, but You will be with us always. We are encouraged and strengthened by Your promises and Your presence.  Amen.


A Prayer For Marriage

Father, one of the most wonderful gifts we can receive in this life is finding a loving and faithful companion who will walk beside us through life. One who will encourage us, be fully honest with us, forgive us when we fail, love us even in our unlovely state, one who will be strong when we are weak, lift us up when we fall down, lovingly tend to our needs when we’re sick and unable to care for ourselves, believe in us when we don’t believe in ourselves, one who will lead by example and help kindle spiritual growth in our lives. For all this and so much more we thank You, Father, for the loving companionship of our mate. In Christ’s name we pray.



A Prayer Based On Paul’s Doxology In Romans

Father, I am in awe of the depth of Your riches, both of wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable are Your judgments and unfathomable Your ways! For who has known Your mind, Lord, or who has been Your counselor? Or who has ever given to You, Father, that You should repay him? For from You and through You and to You are all things.  It is to You, our loving and eternal Father, that we give praise and glory forever.
