
A Prayer For Spiritual Transformation

“Father, there is no sin too great that Your mercy is not greater. We were born with a sin problem, but You provided the solution for our sin sick souls through the wondrous sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We could never be good enough, rich enough, famous enough – nothing we offer is enough. Anything we offer is sin-based because of our human condition and all that Christ offers is sin-less because He is the Lamb without blemish. Only Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God, is enough to pay for our sins and begin the wonderful work of transforming us into Your likeness. Thank You for Your gift of eternal life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”


A Prayer For A Birthday

“Father, often the days converge into another and before we know it another year has passed. Help us to be keenly aware of each new day and the opportunity it holds for us to be engaged in our Father’s business. We want to daily turn to Your holy Word for wisdom so that we will present to You a heart full of godly wisdom and a life fully surrendered to You. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.”


A Prayer For Perseverance

“Father, there is no one nor anything that deserves our complete allegiance, but You, our Lord, who holds the words of eternal life. Though others may refuse to listen or turn away from the message of salvation we choose to persevere, for to Whom else could we turn. We persevere in trial and in victory, in the ups and downs and in the in-betweens of everyday circumstances. We seek to do Your will in all things so that we will be richly rewarded at the end of this life. In the name of Jesus we persevere. Amen.”


A Prayer Of Thankfulness

“Father, just as we received Your Son, Christ Jesus as Lord, we continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as we were taught, and overflowing in thankfulness. May our words, our actions, and our thoughts be full of praise as we consider all that we have and choose not to dwell on that which we have not. Above every other blessing is the gift of Your Son, Jesus, who came into the world to save us from our sins. And the greatest gift yet to come is the inheritance that awaits Your faithful saints when we cross the stormy Jordan banks to our eternal dwelling in heaven. Our hearts are satisfied and filled with thankfulness to You. Amen.”


A Prayer For A Heart Cleansing

“Father, You are the Divine cardiologist who knows the very inmost part of my spiritual heart. People see only the outward person when I am proficient at presenting myself differently than the person I really am inside, but I cannot hide from You that which comes from my inward parts. You liken the heart to that which is the most central part of our emotions and character. I invite You to not only search my heart, but I ask You to remove the offensive contaminants such as jealousy, bitterness, disobedience, rage, or any other impurity that destroys my soul, for no one but You can heal all my soul’s diseases. *I praise You, Lord, for cleansing me from sin. Fulfill Your word and make me pure within. Fill me with fire, where once I burned with shame; grant my desire to magnify Your name. Amen.”


A Prayer For Friendships

“Jesus, You are a friend that sticks closer than a brother. We thank You also for our brothers and sisters in the faith who are often closer than our blood relations because we are joined together as a family of believers sharing common experiences and spiritual goals. So many times we find strength and encouragement from those who bear our burdens, lend a hand, and hold us accountable for our attitudes and actions. Thank You for loving, supportive, and reliable friends who draw us to our true source of hope and strength, especially in times of trouble. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer Of Trust In God’s Faithful Promises

“Father, help us to meditate upon Your promises so that our faith is increased and our hope is renewed. When obstacles cloud our view that discourage or sway our trust in You, knowing Your thoroughly tested promises helps us to look beyond the natural and trust You for the supernatural.”


A Prayer For A Smiling Face

“Father, I consider the words of Nehemiah who wrote, “The joy of the Lord is my strength” and Solomon who reminds us that “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” Both verses speak about matters of the heart where we store up Your love, joy and goodness. Help us not to rely solely on external stimulus to bring forth a smile, but let our smiles be contagious as they are evidence of Your abundance within in our lives. Help us to find a person today who has no smile so that we can pass ours onto her or him in the Name of Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.”


A Prayer For Being Used By God

Father, we are called to obedience to Your Word which compels us to make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.  As we see evil crouching in at every level, it’s all the more reason why we must be vigilant to live pure lives so that the light of Jesus shines through our words and our actions in this darkened world.  We want to pay close attention to ourselves and persevere in the truths presented in Scripture so that we will ensure salvation both for ourselves and those whom we have opportunity to influence.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.


A Prayer For The Persecuted Church

Father, help us to be moved by the plight of those who are prepared to suffer and even lay down their lives for the sake of Christ. We remember them in our prayers and remember them as warriors of the faith, who for the joy set before them endured the suffering, shame and agony of their tormentors. As they endured the humiliation they also overcame by the blood of the Lamb. Many of them have received the crown of life in heaven that is rewarded to those martyred for their faith.  On Coronation Day when we all gather in heaven we look forward to enjoying earnest fellowship with these tried and true saints of our faith who did not give up meeting together to worship You.  Keep us faithful when tested by fire, we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.